Sexy Hair – Blonde Shampoo and Conditioner


A few weeks ago I finally got around to trying Sexy Hair‘s Blonde Bombshell shampoo and conditioner… And WOW! 

As I mentioned in a previous post, my usual hair care routine involves washing with a cleansing conditioner, and following up with a deep conditioner – which I still do. But sometimes I really miss the sensation of a good frothy lather that cleansing conditioners simply do not provide… Here steps in Sexy Hair!

The Blonde Bombshell line is sulfate-free (which is HUGE in keeping your hair moisturized and looking healthy). The fragrance of both the shampoo and conditioner is lovely! It reminds me of a sophisticated powdery smell, not like baby powder, but like the kind of powder you’d want to use as an adult… I don’t know if that’s what chamomile, honey and quinoa smells like when combined together, but it’s a unique and clean pretty smell.


Happy shampooing! 🙂